Creative Story Writing Templates with sentence starters

I have created of set of story writing templates to help the children create fun stories. The templates start off with the children drawing their stories first in four boxes and then 6 boxes. Once they are confident in creating a story they can move onto writing their stories using their sentence starters sheet. I have included a checklist at the top of the templates so the children can tick they have included characters, setting and what happened in the story? I have also included a version without this option.

What is included:
1) Sentence Starters sheet
2) Light blue version with characters settings, what happened? at the top of the sheet for 4 boxes, 6 boxes, 4 boxes with lines, 6 boxes with lines
3) Navy blue version with characters settings, what happened? at the top of the sheet for 4 boxes, 6 boxes, 4 boxes with lines, 6 boxes with lines
5) Light blue version without characters settings, what happened? for 4 boxes, 6 boxes, 4 boxes with lines, 6 boxes with lines
6) Navy blue version with characters settings, what happened? for 4 boxes, 6 boxes, 4 boxes with lines, 6 boxes with lines
7) Halloween template for 6 boxes with lines and without
8) Christmas template for 6 boxes with lines and without