An Aimsir Summary Sheet

This resource is a summary sheet for some of the terms and weather in Irish you would use to discuss with the class. You could use this as partner work or as a whole class. This resource is part of the 'Aimsir Bundle'

Included in the Aimsir bundle is :
  • A 33 slide PowerPoint introducing the weather and phrases
  • A PowerPoint including 12 games - interactive , partner and station activities
  • Weather forecast mat - the children will work in partners and will discuss the weather that day - 2 versions included one with map and one without
  • A worksheet Éist agus Tarraing - a 6 box worksheet where the teacher calls out the weather for each box. The teacher can also call out the clothes matching the weather for the children to draw
  • The weather cards
  • This summary sheet going through all the phrases and weather