Maths Stations - Fill the bucket, Roll, Colour and Write & Reach for the stars 1-6 & 1-10 , 2-10, 2-12


I have included two fun activities you can use for maths stations:

1) Fill the buckets to make ... this is a great activity for more, how many more do you need to fill your bucket after rolling the dice. I am working on 6 this month so each bucket they will need to fill to make 6 and then next month I will move to 7

2) Reach for the stars is a great game to work on numeral formation. The children love this fun game with their partner. When they roll the dice they have to count the dots and then write their number in the correct column. If they fill a whole column they colour in the star. The winner is the partner with the most stars coloured in. For the one 1-6 use one dice and two dice for 1-10, 2-10 and 2-12. If you use the 1-10 they will need to just use one dice to roll the number one.

3) Roll, colour and write - Here you will choose a number of the day. The children have to use two die to try and get that number. If your number is 6, then they need to roll two die to add up to 6. Then they will write the sum under this. If you wanted to write two numbers in the box you could do this also.