123 Boards & 321 Boards - Visual boards

€5,50 €6,50

I have been using the 123 boards for the last year in my classroom and they have been one of the best resources I have used. I created this resource to help children who find it difficult to complete tasks and focus on tasks and need breaks and rewards in order to be motivated to get their work done. Some children find it very difficult to spend longer than 10 minutes on a task so it is important they are using a resource that will work with them and help them get their work done.

The 123 boards have been used by Occupational Therapists and in ASD classroom settings. These boards are a similar concept to the first, next and last boards. There is three boards, in three different colours. The colours represent the time of day. For example the green board is the child's morning activities, the red is the after break activities and the blue is the after lunch activities. You can edit the top of these boards to include the time of day or a chid's name.

For the subject visuals I used the visual cards on twinkl called Small KS2 visual timetable.

How I use it in the classroom:

  1. I set up the morning activities and then start with the number 1 activity. I have a giant timer which I use for ten minutes.  I will use the yellow emoji faces to motivate the child throughout the first activity. When they get to the star I will place the star on and tell the child the activity is complete. Then I will take off the first activity and place a green tick to show it is complete and then move onto the reward chart to use their reward. Again for the reward we use a timer to set the time for their chosen reward activity.
  2. Once the time is up you will get the child to start on the second activity and again use the smiley faces and star to complete. Then put a green tick and remove the activity. Again motivating throughout and then choosing another reward and as before using the timer.
  3. Then you will do the same for the third activity.
  4. The blue think face is used for pause moments throughout the task. There is two visual options you can use for this. There is a red star which I rarely use but it may be mentioned if they are not moving off the think face - Depends if you feel that would help
  5. You will then move onto the red board after break and change the activity but use the same smiley and star faces. The only thing that changes is instead of a green tick you will use a red tick. This will be the same for the blue board, you will use a blue tick.

Included in the pack is:

  1. Two reward board options - 4 boxes and 8 boxes that need to be laminated and a Velcro placed on them.
  2.  1,2,3 boards x 3 - the tabs are editable and there is a green, red and blue version. They need to be laminated and a velcro placed on them.
  3. 123 boards x 3 colours broken into sections -I used a mix of both, in the morning I used the longer board and after break the shorter board
  4.  3,2,1 boards x 3 - the tabs are editable and there is a green, red and blue version. They need to be laminated and a velcro placed on them. Some children prefer this option as they are counting down rather than counting up with the 123 boards
  5.  Smiley face Stickers that need to be laminated and a Velcro placed on them.
  6. Think Stickers that need to be laminated and a Velcro place on them. 
  7. Red and Yellow stars for rewarding them that need to be laminated and a Velcro placed on them.
  8. The completed tick cards that need to be laminated and a Velcro placed on them. 
  9. 5 extra visual cards that need to be laminated and a Velcro placed on them.