Partner Cards - English and Irish Versions Available
This resource is called 'Find Your Partner'. There is 34 pairs altogether in the pack. The teacher or helpers will give out the cards and then the children have to find their matching partner. They can use these for desk partner work or maths or PE games. It is a nice way to mix the class and a fun way of using number. Just print and laminate these to make them last longer. I have 34 pairs because you can do other activities and partner work with other classes for example, social play, pen pals etc. If you have 26 in your class you are going to use 1-13 but I will mix the cards around to introduce numbers but still use 13 pairs. So one week could be 1-13 another week could be 5-17 pairs. The Irish version is in blue only.
Another way I use these cards is allocating one child with a number at the start of the year and I put the cards in a bowl and when I want to do a show and tell or message I pick a number out of the bowl.