Yard Resources for encouraging play and checking in sheets (Great for social play and communication with parents)

€4,99 €5,99
I have been working on a few worksheets to check-in with the children on yard to make sure they have someone they can play with on yard, and that they are happy on yard. These are great resources to show parents especially if they are worried about behaviour on yard or if they don't have anyone to play with. This is an area that comes up regularly with parents and concerns in how their children are getting on in the yard.
Included in the pack is:
1) A check-in at the desk - this is where the children use their wooden peg on the red face if they are not happy after yard. They leave it on yellow if they are happy
2) 4 worksheets with different variations checking in on yard for the week or just that day - This is something that can be sent home to the parents. These sheets can be weekly or daily depending if there is ongoing concerns
3) Partner cards and Pick & Mix- This is where the teacher gives each child a number card from the partner cards and they find their partners and create a game for yard. Then each day the teacher selects one of the children's worksheet games and the children who created the game put the game badges on their table which are included in the pack. Then whoever wants to play their game can join in.  Usually I would give the partners a ball.